The ball is sailing towards the back of the endzone, two men are fighting for position. The ball's trajectory sends the ball into the hands of none other then Terrell Owens, who rips the ball out the defenders hands. Running to the center of the endzone, T.O reaches towards his shoe. He pulls out a Sharpie, and autographs the ball. The fans are chanting his name throughout the stadium. A truely marvelous sight.
In my opinon, if you are getting paid millions of dollars, you should be able to express yourself and have a good time. It's not like T.O meant to hurt anyone with his celebration, in fact, he thought long and hard in advance of executing the celebrations. Clinton Portis had one of the most touching celebrations when he lifted up his jersey and showed a shirt honoring the loss of teammate Sean Taylor. These players take pride in succeeding in the NFL, so let them have some fun and take a quick break from the rules of the NFL.

You know you have seen this moment before. But why is the NFL cracking down on these celebrations? When a team scores a touchdown, I think they should be able to express themselves within reasonable sportsmanship. Pulling out a Sharpie isn't going to hurt anyone, so why are these players being fined big bucks for having a good time? I know whenever I saw Owens or Chad Johnson score a touchdown, I was on the edge of my seat waiting for what they would do. Whether it's Chad Johnson dancing wit
h a cheerleader, doing the irish jig, or bringing out a Hall of Fame jacket, it brings a moment of excitement for the fans and the team. Think back on all the great celebrations we've witnessed. Joe Horn pulling out a cell phone was a classic. Randy Moss " mooning " the Green Bay fans may have went over the sportsmanship line, but it still brought excitement to everyone. The old school "dirty bird" was a great tradition by the Atlanta Falcons.

Recently, Brandon Marshall scored a game-winning TD to beat the Browns. He was set to pull out a black and white glove, representing newly elected president Barack Obama. Before he was able to pull it out, teammate Brandon Stokely stopped him so their wouldn't be a 15 yard penalty on the oncoming kickoff.

November 20, 2008 at 4:03 PM
I totally agree. I loved watching C. Johnson's TD celebrations. I even went to a game mainly to see what he would come up with next.
It is entertainment, so let us be entertained. It doesn't hurt anyone